Sunday, June 5, 2011

Black-Eyed Peas and Dating Luck

I need some luck. My dating life needs some luck. I questioned my mom the other day when she said her usual: well, good luck with that. As if that she is not in support, does not need to hear the outcome and can see the potential mistakes her rebellious daughter is making. Oh, well and I am much like her, except I prefer to live a large life and to explore the unknown (at times with vigor more than fear;).

I was supposed to have a date over for dinner tonight. This is someone I really dig, and am sad I won't be with him tonight because all weekend I have been nursing an infection and need to rest. Went to the doctor this morning and was prescribed antibiotics and yes, it is time to be kind and so gentle with myself. I was choosing some wild men to be involved with lately, thinking that dating means going out drinking and staying up LATE. Oh, well, this marks the first night of my new dating life. Cooking, home, connecting authentically and staying away from men with helicopters (for tonight:). The last guy was fulfilling an agreement that yoga instructors have some special healing power. He charmed me into his story and invited me to escapade with him to Venezuala, Germany, Dubai (all this summer). I was not in. I told him: money does not impress me. Nope. And now I know that I meant it.

Babylicious Black-eyed Peas
1/2 cup black eyed peas
1/3 cup diced carrots
1/3 cup diced onions
3 cups spring water
1 postage size piece kombu
1 t sea salt
luscious greens: broccoli, kale +/- collard greens

Rinse black eyed peas and soak in 1 cup for 5-8 hours. Drain.
Add to pot. Cover with remaining 2 cups water. Bring to boil. Skim off foam.
Add carrots and onions and kombu. Lower heat to low and cover.
Simmer for 30 minutes.
Add: broccoli, kale or collard greens and simmer 4-5 more minutes.
Add salt and cook for 3 minutes.
Serve warm, with bread or perfect brown rice.
Garnish with scallions.
